We thought we were choosing The Academy for the guidance for our daughter’s dance career. 我们收到的是加上这么多. 现在,在我们结束人生这一章的时候, 我们的女儿在茱莉亚音乐学院开启了人生的新篇章, 梦想成真了. 一个没有学院我们无法实现的梦想.”

The Academy 跳舞 Department is recognized as one of the leading preparatory institutions for top colleges and dance companies in the country.

At the core of the 跳舞 program is the intensive study of technique and artistic development. 除了每天上芭蕾基础课, 学生们在哪里深入研究古典技术, 舞者学习爵士乐, 现代, 黑, 和合作, 和即兴演奏.

学生们完善的jet,态度,表达的动作,和阿拉伯风格. 此外, Academy dancers will have the opportunity to audition for The Academy’s Repertory 跳舞 Company, 并在芝加哥和其他地方演出.

Students will also grow their understanding of dance history while working with both Academy faculty and world-renowned guest artists.


